
You will need a trial CartStack account to install CartStack on your LemondStand store.  If you don't have one yet, sign up here -  https://www.cartstack.com/sign-up/.
From our CartStack admin, copy your unique tracking snippet from the  code page.
Log into your LemonStand store backend. Then navigate to Store Design > Partial Blocks > Layout - Head. 
Note: If your current theme doesn't have a Layout-Head partial file,  email us so we can help you find the appropriate head file.

Paste your unique CartStack tracking snippet into the Layout-Head partial file (below any other content).
On the  code page of your CartStack account, tell us the URL for the thank you page which loads after a purchase is completed.

Click Review My Integration.

Someone on the CartStack team will then test your integration and let you know when your email campaign is ready to go live!

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