
CartStack RezRecover can easily integrate with your Hostaway website and booking engine!

Customers that use Hostaway's Website and Booking Engine

1. Sign in to the Hostaway dashboard and on the left panel, click Booking Engine and then Settings.

2. Click on Advanced, and scroll down until you come to the Scripts and Header Script fields

3. Click into the Header Scripts field and scroll down past any other code until you reach the end. On a new line, place your unique CartStack tracking code you can find here.

4. Publish the changes in your Hostaway dashboard. Return to the Setup page in your CartStack dashboard and enter the Confirmation URL. Click Review My Integration and someone from CartStack will reach out once the setup has been completed!

Customers with their own website, and Hostaway's Booking Engine

If using your own website, you'll need to complete all the steps above, and in addition, add your unique CartStack tracking code to the global header of your marketing site. The domain of your marketing site should match the domain of the booking engine.

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