
You can easily set up CartStack with your Brushfire website. If you haven't already signed up for a trial, please do so here!

Integrating CartStack With Your Brushfire Website

1. Within your CartStack dashboard, head to your Setup page and note your Tracking Code, Site ID, and API key.

2. Navigate to the Brushfire dashboard, and select Events. Click the Edit button next to the correct Event and select Tracking from the drop-down list.

3. Scroll down the page until you find the CartStack section and add your Tracking Code, Site ID, and API key from Step 1. Click Save.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all applicable Events.

*If you are not sure which events to add CartStack to, you can add it to all current events or reach out to for further assistance. For all future events, be sure to create any new events by first duplicating an existing one. This will ensure that your unique tracking snippet is included in all future events without the need to re-integrate the code each time.

5. Once that is completed, head back to the Setup page in your CartStack dashboard. Enter Brushfire in the Confirmation URL field and click to Review My Integration.

We'll make sure everything looks good and let you know when you're ready to launch your email campaign! If you have not heard back from your CartStack support rep in 1 to 2 business days, please email us at

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