
CartStack can integrate easily with Booqable by installing the CartStack app in the Booqable dashboard. Full instructions with Booqable can be found here!

These instructions assume you have created a CartStack account. If you haven't done so yet, you can sign up for your free trial.

Installing the CartStack App

1. Navigate to your Booqable dashboard. Click on the "App Store" tab in the navigation menu.

2. Select the CartStack app and click on "Install app".

3. In the CartStack dashboard, find your unique tracking code and paste it into Booqable's Tracking Code field. Click to Save your changes.

Requesting the Integration to CartStack

1. In your CartStack dashboard, navigate to your code page.

2. Select Booqable from the platform drop-down menu.

3. In the Confirmation Page URL field, simply enter your website's URL. Click the button to Review My Integration.

4. The CartStack support team will be in touch about the status of your integration.

Full instructions with Booqable can be found here!

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