
1. Sign-up for your free trial of CartStack here.

2. Log into your Ecwid Control Panel.

3. Head to the Ecwid App Market, search for CartStack and install the Application.

4. Once the App is installed, open it from the My Apps section of the control panel.

5. Navigate back to your CartStack Dashboard.

6. Fill out the Business Details, and on the next panel that opens, select Ecwid on the drop-down menu and copy the entire tracking code that's in the red box below.

7. From the Ecwid Control Panel, open the CartStack app. Enable the Tracking Snippet and paste the CartStack Tracking code in the field. Save.

8. In your CartStack dashboard, enter your confirmation URL and click Verify My Integration.

Someone from CartStack will be in touch to verify and complete your integration!

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