Creating an Email Template

Accessing and Using the Editor

This article will guide you through the steps of creating an email in CartStacks Basic Email Builder to get you on the way to a successful campaign!

  1. Navigate to your cart abandonment campaign set-up page. Click the Add Email button.
  2. Choose a Template Category from the dropdown list and select a template.
  3. Once the template has been selected you are free to customize it with text and images for your site.
  4. To use the builder, you can select the different content blocks of the email and add features with the menu in the right-hand panel. After selecting and placing features, additional property options will become available to you in the right-hand panel.
  5. Once you are done editing the template, make sure you save it to your template library and publish changes. When you set up another email send, you can load the email you saved from the template library which is shared across all sites in your CartStack account.

Designing a Successful Email Template:

Step 1: Adding a Pre-header

Step 2: Adding a Logo and Image

Step 3: Adding URLs

Step 4 (E-commerce sites only): Adding Cart-Items

Optional Step 5: The Unsubscribe Link will populate in the template automatically for you, but you can include it manually as well.

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