How to Avoid Spam Filters

A great way to get an idea of emails that feel Spammy is by looking through your own Spam folder. Take note of the clues that tell you an email is Spam. Then, avoid doing those things with your own email campaign.

  1. Keep your emails simple. Don't go overboard with colorful, flamboyant fonts or spelling.
  3. Make sure there isn't excess code or empty tags in your HTML.
  4. Test with emails that are close to the real thing instead of sending out blank emails.
  5. Don’t use more than one exclamation point!!
  6. Don’t use the word “test” in your subject line, even when you're testing.
  7. Include text, even in your HTML email. If filters only see images in an email, they'll be marked as Spam.
  8. Don't use pushy phrases like “Click Here Now!”
  9. Include an unsubscribe link.

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